Releasing Grudges and Embracing Joy This Holiday Season

Releasing Grudges and Embracing Joy This Holiday Season

Grudges—a powerful word, and perhaps a bit harsh too.

Humans have a tendency to hold grudges, and letting go isn’t always easy. 

As the holiday season is here and we prepare to say goodbye to 2024 and welcome the new year, why hold on to the grudges of the past? 

Isn’t the new year a chance for new beginnings? A time to leave the past behind, embrace the present, and enjoy the holidays with our loved ones. 

The end of the year is a powerful time for self-reflection—a chance to let go of the old and negative and welcome the new and positive. 

Yet, holding onto grudges can make it difficult to fully embrace the spirit of the holiday season. Grudges don’t just affect our relationships; they weigh heavily on our hearts and minds, stealing our peace and joy. As the year comes to an end, carrying that emotional baggage into the new year can hinder our ability to start fresh.

But here’s the truth: letting go is easier said than done. 

Forgiving someone who hurt you, forgetting the pain, and moving forward can feel nearly impossible. Still, releasing grudges isn’t about others—it’s always about you. Grudges act like poison, slowly and steadily eroding both the mind and body. Forgiveness during the holidays isn’t about approving what happened; it’s about freeing yourself from the emotional burden. By releasing grudges, you’re giving yourself the gift of calm, clarity, and inner peace.

If you’re wondering how to let go of grudges and enjoy the holidays, here are some practical steps:

1. Acknowledge Your Emotions

Start by acknowledging your feelings. It’s okay to feel hurt or angry. Write down your thoughts in a journal or talk to someone you trust. Understanding your emotions is the first step toward letting them go.

2. Practice Empathy

Try to see the situation from the other person’s perspective. While this doesn’t excuse their actions, it can help you understand their behavior. Empathy softens resentment and makes forgiveness easier. 

3. Use Gratitude as a Tool

Shift your focus to the good in your life. Gratitude helps you reframe your perspective and reduces the emotional hold grudges have on you. Reflect on the lessons you’ve learned and the strength you’ve gained from past challenges.

4. Consider Hypnosis for Emotional Healing

Sometimes, letting go of deep-seated grudges requires more than willpower—it requires working with your subconscious mind. Hypnosis for emotional healing is a highly effective tool to help you release past pain. 

By accessing the subconscious, hypnotherapy allows you to reframe your emotions, dissolve negative patterns, overcome resentment with hypnosis, and create new, healthier responses. It’s like rewiring your mind to release grudges, bring peace, and embracing joy in holidays. 

Through hypnotherapy, you can let go of past hurts, calm your inner turmoil, and get started with that holiday stress relief. 

Imagine entering the new year feeling lighter, free from the emotional baggage you’ve carried for too long.

5. Practice Forgiveness During the Holidays as a Gift to Yourself

Remember, forgiveness isn’t about the other person—it’s about you. Visualize yourself cutting the emotional ties to the grudge, releasing it into the past where it belongs. This act is an expression of self-love, allowing you to move forward with a calm and open heart.

6. Surround Yourself with Positivity

Some of the best steps to find joy this festive season is spending time with loved ones, decorating, or simply taking a quiet moment for yourself. Positivity can fill the space left by resentment and transform your outlook.


As this year ends, make the conscious choice to release grudges and embrace joy this holiday season. Letting go isn’t easy, but it’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. A fresh start awaits you, filled with possibilities for peace, love, and happiness.

If you’re in California and need support in letting go of grudges, consider working with Jigeesha Pandya, a leading hypnotherapist in California. With her expertise, she can guide you through the process of releasing past hurts, enjoying the holidays fully, and stepping into the new year with freedom and confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) 

How to release grudges and enjoy the holidays? 

Letting go of grudges starts with a decision to prioritize your peace over past pain. 

  • Take a moment to reflect on the impact of holding onto it. 
  • Try practicing forgiveness during the holidays, not as a favor to them, but as a gift to yourself. Techniques like journaling or guided hypnosis to reframe your emotions and overcome resentment with hypnosis. 
  • Try to find happiness and calm in the present 

What are the benefits of hypnosis for emotional well-being during holidays?

Hypnosis is a powerful way to reset your emotional state and switch to holiday stress relief. It helps calm anxiety, manage stress, and shift negative patterns of thinking. It works with your subconscious mind to release buried emotions, promote forgiveness, and strengthen your resilience. This leaves you feeling lighter and more open to the warmth and joy of the festive season. 

What are the steps to find joy this festive season?

  • Start with gratitude—it’s the easiest way to shift your focus to what’s beautiful in your life
  • Let go of perfection and embrace the imperfections
  • Spend time with loved ones
  • Prioritize self-care by doing things that make your heart happy
  • And if emotions feel overwhelming, consider hypnosis to help release stress and rediscover the magic within you.
Jigeesha Pandya

Jigeesha Pandya is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Reiki Practitioner. With a background in climate change research, she shifted her focus to hypnotherapy, studying at the renowned Hypnosis and Motivation Institute in Los Angeles. Jigeesha is passionate about helping individuals harness the power of the subconscious mind for healing and growth.

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