hypnosis for trauma

Hypnosis for Trauma - Is it Effective or Not?

Trauma is an overwhelming experience that challenges our emotional, psychological, or physical resilience. It’s not something anyone wishes to encounter, yet it often becomes an unavoidable part of life. 

When trauma occurs, our brain shifts into survival mode, prioritizing immediate safety over processing the event. To cope, the brain often suppresses or stores these painful memories deep within the subconscious. This mechanism helps us navigate the present but can leave unresolved emotional wounds, which often resurface as triggers, fears, or negative patterns later in life.

Have you ever wished there was a way to completely erase painful memories? While it’s natural to want to escape the weight of these experiences, erasing them isn’t possible. These memories are part of us, but with the right approach, we can learn to process and heal from them, reducing their emotional impact and finding freedom from their hold. 

That’s when hypnotherapy comes to the rescue. This is mainly because hypnotherapy directly deals with the subconscious mind. Hypnotherapists will not completely erase those painful memories, but instead, the therapeutic sessions will target the negative emotional charge associated with those memories. 

To know more about how hypnotherapy works to heal trauma, keep reading. 

Why Individuals Deal with Past Trauma? 

Past trauma happens when a person goes through experiences that are extremely upsetting or overwhelming in the past, making it hard for them to cope with it and have a negative, long-term impact on their life. 

It can stem from moments like childhood abuse, neglect, or the loss of a loved one. Painful events, such as a breakup, an accident, or witnessing violence, can also create emotional wounds that are hard to heal.

If these experiences aren’t processed or resolved they can build up over time and affect the individual’s daily lives. They can leave invisible emotional scars. These scars often affect how a person thinks, feels, and responds to situations, shaping their life in ways they may not fully understand. 

Can Hypnotherapy Work to Deal with Past Trauma? 

Yes, as per various research – it has been proven that hypnosis therapy for trauma can be useful in treating the symptoms of trauma as well as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

According to a meta-analysis of six hypnotherapy studies, hypnosis for trauma significantly reduced participants’ intrusion and avoided symptoms of PTSD. Regardless of the cause of the trauma, individuals who got hypnotherapy reported fewer symptoms. 

According to a different study, hypnotherapy sessions when used with other treatments, can lead to better sleep and reduced intrusive and avoidance symptoms of PTSD.

Is hypnosis for trauma and ptsd really effective? 

Trauma often stays buried in the subconscious, shaping thoughts, feelings, and reactions without a person realizing it. Hypnosis as a treatment for trauma helps bring these hidden emotions to the surface, but in a way that feels safe and controlled.  

  • In this relaxed state, individuals can revisit past experiences allowing them to feel the emotions that they pushed away in order to survive. Acknowledgment and acceptance of their traumatic event, and also looking at a memory from an observance perspective, allows them to understand it differently.  
  • The hypnotherapist helps therapeutically reframe negative thoughts or beliefs connected to the trauma and change how we see and react to it.  
  • Trauma often leaves emotional tension trapped in the body, and hypnotherapy helps release it. These unresolved negative emotions trapped inside the body often manifest in terms of unexplainable bodily disorders. Hypnosis trauma therapy allows individuals to release those negative emotions along with shifting negative thoughts and beliefs tied to the trauma.        

Through hypnosis trauma therapy, it doesn’t erase the past but changes its hold on the present. It helps individuals respond to life with clarity and motivation, rather than being overwhelmed by the weight of old wounds.

To Conclude 

Here’s the wrap on why individuals deal with trauma, how they react to it, whether hypnosis therapy for trauma is the right fit, and if yes then how it works. 

To sum it all up – hypnosis as a solution for trauma will not make you forget about trauma, but it will help how you feel about yourself, change your perspective, and how you react to it – when all those memories come back. 

If you are dealing with trauma and would like to change how you feel and react to it – it is best to connect with a professional. While you are looking for one – I can help you out. I’m Jigeesha Pandya – a certified hypnotist in California. 

I connect with you, understand what you want, and curate personalized sessions to help you better cope with your trauma. 

Book a free consultation now and let’s get started. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Signs of Unresolved Trauma? 

Some of the common signs of unresolved trauma can show up as:

  • Emotional: Anxiety, anger, or emotional numbness.
  • Physical: Chronic pain, fatigue, or tension. 
  • Behavioral: Avoidance, difficulty with relationships, or unhealthy habits.
  • Cognitive: Flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, or trouble focusing.
  • Sleep Issues: Nightmares or insomnia.

Can Hypnosis help reduce the symptoms of trauma? 

The past trauma is related to the subconscious mind. Hypnosis for trauma accesses the subconscious mind and helps reduce it by calming the mind, reducing anxiety, and replacing negative patterns with healthier ones. It’s quite a gentle way to ease trauma and restore balance.

How does Hypnosis for trauma help with processing traumatic Memories?

Hypnotherapy helps by:

  • Accessing and releasing the negative emotional charge from memories 
  • Reframing painful memories
  • Reducing the emotional impact of trauma
  • Building confidence and inner strength

All of which creates a safe space to heal and move forward.

certified hypnotherapist

Jigeesha Pandya

Jigeesha Pandya is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Reiki Practitioner. With a background in climate change research, she shifted her focus to hypnotherapy, studying at the renowned Hypnosis and Motivation Institute in Los Angeles. Jigeesha is passionate about helping individuals harness the power of the subconscious mind for healing and growth.

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